英文寫作。The power of alchemy .

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#The power of alchemy.

How to turn your life problem into gold?

People have problems during lifetimes such as financial, healthy, relationships, or business problems.
You might be all the time.
Once you have found the way to turn your problem into gold you are no longer to be afraid of facing any problem.
The problem seems like a metal that is so hard to press you. Making you be under heavy pressure.
What If you make the metal into the liquid then what would happen?
it would be reshaped by yourself. It will be chance that you turn some pressures in the golds.
And when you wake up the day after that you will expect a new problem, because you will turn the more huge problems into more golds.
How to turn your problem into gold?
Thinking about this ………………
The biggest problem in the universe is entropy
What universe wants to do?
Did they want to become the dust then float into the air?
No, the entropy did.
Then, by the movement of dust. they became planets again.
The heat was made by the movement and the heat made life again.
Without the movement, there would be no heat and no more life. Everything would be apart.
If there is no problem in your life, that would be a part that would be the biggest problem coming.
when the dust come together and making themselves into a new planet a new life would be born
Here is the example……….
What would happen if you move hard a box of pin pong balls?
It would be break into pieces and then would the dust
if the movement keeps moving.
What would happen If you keep moving harder the box for years?
The heat from your hands would make the pieces into a new shape of pin pong.
Who is putting the entropy together and letting it fall apart?
Who is putting the pieces into a new one?
People could do complete or make it apart.
If your mind wants to complete them and turn them into a new object. if the movement keeps doing.
What would you like to do?
the dust in the air or a completed planet?
If there is no problem in your life like there was no entropy in the universe, that would be biggest the problem coming,
Every problem of life from entropy.
What you have to do is to be the terminator of entropy?
You make friends with entropy even the entropy breaks everything in your life into pieces。
You have to love all of them apart and pick the pieces into a new one.
Once you were forced to face the various which destroyed everything of your life and the world disaster.
If love the entropy, you will be happy,because that would be new chance of yours to make the dust into a new object.
To turn every problem into gold for your life.
It would be the treasure if you treasure it
It takes hard work and advanced-level technical work.
You do not need to be a philosophy or professor, you just try harder and trust yourself that you can do it,and keep doing it never give up.
Life goes on, so do you.
心靈諮商 沄沄夫人。 人生的旅途迂迴轉折, 總在岔路處徘迴, 抉擇是關鍵, 選擇是目標, 迷航中點開沄沄夫人的google map , 設定目的地, 選擇適當的途徑,解惑靠他人,邁步靠自己,勇氣在路途中循序建立。 世事洞明皆學問,傾聽是磨練, 當人們在糾結的漩渦中無法自拔時, 洞悉傾訴者隱藏的糾結, 沄沄夫人