成熟智慧女士 A mature and wise lady- Jane

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Theirs was a love that burned brightly, fiercely against the backdrop of a changing world.

Theirs was a love that burned brightly, fiercely against the backdrop of a changing world.









In the soft haze of twilight, the aging newspaper clipping fluttered to the floor, stirring up a delicate dance of dust motes in the attic's stale air. Jane discovered it while sifting through a chest of memories that lay untouched for decades. She gently picked it up, her fingers tracing the faded words, "anniversary... was heralded... wedding close..."

With each word, a flood of memories returned to Jane. It had been fifty years since that newspaper announced her engagement to Thomas, a bold young writer with eyes as deep as the ocean. They had met in the simplest of ways, at a local coffee shop over a shared table, but their love story was anything but ordinary.

Theirs was a love that burned brightly, fiercely against the backdrop of a changing world. They had stood side by side through protests and poetry readings, their passions for justice and art intertwining with their passion for each other.

The article had spoken of their upcoming wedding as the social event of the season. It was heralded for its unique blend of traditional elegance and bohemian flair, much like Jane herself. She could almost hear the clinking of champagne glasses and the soft strumming of the guitar that had serenaded them under the stars that night.

But now, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Jane held the clipping close to her heart. Thomas had left this world too soon, his brilliant mind faded away before his time. Yet, in this moment of quiet solitude, Jane felt the enduring presence of his spirit.

The twilight deepened, and Jane placed the clipping back into the chest. She closed the lid, her heart full of memories, both joyous and bittersweet. She whispered a silent prayer of thanks for the years of love they had shared, and for the strength to carry on his legacy.

The story of Jane and Thomas was more than just an announcement in a paper; it was a testament to enduring love, a narrative of two souls intertwined, and the enduring echo of laughter and love that lingers long after the final sunset.

My Name is Jane.

《Jane書寫計畫》以網路上「Jane」的資料(Data)作為創作材料,創造出以「Jane」的肖像,再將肖像,由Chat-GPT4 進行影像閱讀,進行轉譯並書寫為文字,並再經由文字書寫轉譯為圖像。觀眾在具真實與虛擬感知共構中,透過文件閱讀、視覺圖像的符號象徵、感受「Jane」的多重存在樣貌。影像2文字,文字2影像。