English Newspaper (9) Safe explosions

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While Alfred Nobel is famous for creating prestigious prizes, he made his fortune by creating dynamite. And by 'create' it might be better to say, 'accidentally did not explode'.


Dynamite is an explosive used in construction to destroy hardened structures so the ground can be cleared for development. It is also tragically used as a weapon of war. But it would not have been discovered without Alfred Nobel’s chance encounter.


In 1847 the chemical nitroglycerin was created, which could explode with more power than the black powder that was used at the time. One problem, however, was that it was incredibly volatile – just shaking or hitting a bottle of pure nitroglycerin could lead to a devastating explosion. While people tried to use it for blasting tunnels and similar, the accidental explosions were so bad that transporting liquid nitroglycerin had to be banned.



Nobel, however, wanted to try and make nitroglycerin practical. He experimented with many devices, such as blasting caps and fuses that could set off the liquid at a safe distance, but the instability remained a problem. One explosive accident even tragically killed Nobel’s brother, but he remained dedicated to his work.


One day, while transporting nitroglycerin, a can of special clay called Kieselguhr spilt its contents onto the chemical. Nobel looked at the end result, and discovered that the nitroglycerin had been soaked up completely by the powder. In this form, the chemical was resistant to shaking and shocks, and Nobel realised he could package this soaked version of nitroglycerin, and put a fuse on it. His final product was called 'dynamite', based on the Greek word dynamis, which means 'power'.


Dynamite was patented in 1867. It took 20 years to make an explosive safe to use, and even then, it might have only been possible because the right thing fell at the right time.

炸藥於 1867 年獲得專利。我們花了 20 年的時間製造出可以安全使用的炸藥,即便如此,這也可能只是因為正確的東西在正確的時間落下。


hardened (adj) 變硬

tragically (adv) 悲慘地

practical (adj) 實際的

fuse (n) 導火索

instability (n) 不穩定

clay (n) 陶土

新聞來源: https://student.thestandard.com.hk/text/juniorstandard/article/stories/813

中文翻譯: 晚晚有魚

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